From Zero to Hero: Crafting the Perfect Obby Roblox Game

2 min readDec 10, 2022

Creating a simple Obby game in Roblox is a great way to get started with coding. Obby stands for obstacle course, and it’s a popular type of game that’s easy to make and fun to play. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to create a simple Obby game in Roblox with code examples.

First, you’ll need to create a new place in Roblox Studio. To do this, open Roblox Studio and click on the “Create” button. Give your game a name, and choose the Obby game type.

Next, you’ll need to add some obstacles. You can do this by selecting the “Insert” tab and then selecting the “Parts” tab. From there, you can choose from a variety of parts that you can use to make your game. For example, you can add blocks, ramps, and other objects to make your course more difficult.

Once you’ve added your obstacles, you’ll need to add some scripting to your game. To do this, select the “Scripts” tab and then select the “New Script” button. This will open a blank script that you can fill in with code. Here’s an example of some code you can use to make your game work:

— This script will make the player respawn when they fall off the map

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)


This code will make sure that the game respawns the player when they fall off the map. You can add more code to make your game more complex, but this is a great starting point.

Once you’ve added your code, you can save it and test it out. You can also add more obstacles and code to make your game even more fun. Have fun creating your own Obby game in Roblox!

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